Monthly Archives: January 2010

Woman accidentally falls, tears Picasso’s "The Actor"

 New York Times Article on torn Picasso

After graduating from college, I spent some time down in New Orleans working at the New Orleans Art Conservation Guild.  In my first day there at the guild, I asked a question that had a major impact on me: What’s the official difference between restoration and conservation? 

The director quickly glanced stunningly and said, “Great question.”  She continued to explain that the difference had to do with whether you were altering the integrity of the piece or not. 

Restoration means changing the integrity of the work and making the product look new while physically changing the piece forever.

Conservation means making the piece look new without altering the original integrity of the piece and only making it look new if the alterations can be undone at some point in time.  For example, if a piece of work had missing paint, then a conservationist would only use paint that would make it look new, but could be taken off if advances in conservation discovered better ways to conserve it later. 

I feel bad for the woman who lost her balance.  I have to assume this was done totally by accident and that she feels absolutely horrible about it.

However, the Met has pretty good insurance.  In fact, based on circumstances, some artwork increases in value based on famous accidents.  Only time will tell on this note.

Welcom 2-D Design Students!

Blog Self-Evaluation

Instructions on how to create your blog

Welcome 2010 2-D Design students!

You will be required to have and routinely check an e-mail address in this course.  You may wish to use an existing one or create a school e-mail address.  Remember that you will be held accountable for checking this account on a recurring basis.  Google, Yahoo and Hotmail are some of the popular services.

One of the requirements of this class will be you creating and maintaining a blog that links to   You’ll notice your name in a list that is located on the right side of this blogs.  Your names link to a pre-existing location where your blog will be located.

Your blog address uses the following formula:  http://www.RHHSart(firstname)(lastinitial)

Read and understand the two links above: Blog Self-eval. and Instructions on how to create your blog.

You will maintain this blog throughout the weeks.  Each grading period, I will assess your participation on the blog. 

You will be required to:

  • post all of your personal work on your own blog
  • Post one art-related article to the main  page (I’ll need your e-mail address to invite you to do this.)
  • make at least five comments on other student artwork or posts.

^^^^^ITS JESUS!!!!! ^^^^^

Many have seen them collossal peices of sand art… whether there mediocure sand castles or massive land mounments. This art form has boggled the minds or people all over the world but more particualry Tihland.

In Thiland this innovated art form even has its own 4 month festival, which features 80 works of art created by over 70 highly talented sculptors from countries around the world, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ireland, the United States and Thailand, covers an area of 12 rai (1.92 hectares or 4.74 acres). It just boggles my mind how they can manage to keep it all help together but even more so the people who make sand art are obviously very skilled and patient people, what really amazes me is their willingness to spend so much time and effort something that gets destroyed soon after. and how do they construct such gargantuen peice in such a little amout of time…….but all in all I LOVE IT

Frank Stella

The Image above is the minimalistic work of Artist Frank Stella. This piece above is my favorite. Titles, “Harran II”. I love the color change and the easy, yet complicating look of his work.

Micro art

These are examples of micro art. Just so you know these are safety pins, sewing needles, etc which are extremely small. The pieces shown above include peter pan, snow white, etc.

Dried Flowers

A few days ago i was lookin at dried flowers in art because i often use them in my encaustic pieces. I found this website that gave me some inspiration. I particularly like the piece with lilies. Take a look 🙂

I saw ELizabeths post and thought it was intresting so I googled “shadow art” and this is what I found!
This piece was done by Tim Noble and Sue Webster and it is titled HE/SHE. At first I just thought the shadows were of a man standing and a women crouching down but if you look closely the figures are actually peeing! haha

amy brown art

the two images are faries yes but their hair inspires me and i thought it would be great if others can see what inspires me. she draws the girls at first and then adds the whimsicle things like wings and pointed ears.

Deviant Art

I support DeviantArt. Some of you know what it is, if not here’s a quick overview. It is a site that artist’s get to upload their art. Such as Poems, Stories, Songs, Pictures, Drawings and Animations. There are alot of good artists on there and I’m planing on posting some of my own art on there eventually. You should check it out. link above.

Trash Art

At first glance, this pile of trash does not look like art. However, take a closer look at the shadow. These piles of trash create a completely new image when a spot light is shown. The artists responsible for this are Tim Noble and Sue Webster. The two british artist’s work has been featured in the exhibition Apocalypse: Beauty and Horror in Contemporary Art at the Royal Academy in 2000. I thought this was really different, and really unique. It definately takes an abstract mind and eye to be able to create something like this 🙂